Bug reports, issues, and feature requests are most welcome. The best way to get that information to us is via email at
Filing Bugs:
- During beta, FMComparison creates a text file on the desktop called “FMComparison_Developer_Logging.txt”. Including this file will be extremely helpful, especially in cases of crashes.
- As we all know, detailed descriptions are helpful.
- Larger screenshots are best. Very often the context of exactly how you got there is more important than the thing that’s not showing properly.
- Whenever possible/appropriate, include a zipped copy of both XML files. Very often it takes longer to reproduce an issue than to fix the code.
- Thank you in advance to those of you who include video. 🙂
- To file a bug, select the Help > Send Support/Feature Request menu item in FMComparison. Alternately, send bug report email to